Michele Van Derrick

Hi there, I’m so happy you stopped by!

If we’ve never met, here’s a little about me.  I am a mixed-media artist, dog lover, wife, mom to 2 awesome boys and I live on a beautiful island in Puget Sound.  I studied art in college, went on to study art in Italy, Chicago and Boston and then proceeded to dive head first into the business world and starting a family.  It wasn’t until we moved to Costa Rica for a sabbatical that I discovered painting again.

I make art with the intention that it brings whatever the collector needs at the time – joy, contentment, playfulness….  I love to work on both large canvases and small wood pieces using bright colors with lots of mark making, paper and layers.  Encaustic is my newest passion, and I am currently having fun with inks, dyes, and found objects. Some of my favorite works are so messy and chaotic which probably says something about my mood, but it’s what drives every piece.  I let my feelings & emotions take it away.

What has influenced my process the most are the places I have lived and the many years of studying energy healing.  Inspiration comes in the form of travel, spiritual connection, and soul-filled conversations with girlfriends. I find the deepest joy in connecting my spiritual practice with my passion for creating.

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet.  Please feel free to reach out, I’d love to hear from you.

Love to you all,
